Monday, February 26, 2007

Runner/Walker #21597

I can’t believe I’m only 1 week away from painful chafing, sore muscles, and aching feet! Yeah! I am actually really excited and got my sweet purple shirt yesterday. I am also really excited that so many of you have donated to help out the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I am only a few hundred dollars short of the required goal. We are doing a fundraiser at my school where students can buy 1 yard of duct tape for $1. They can use the duct tape to tape me and my principal to the wall! I’m sure I’ll make the goal with that.
I am a bit nervous, however. I have had a foot injury for close to a month now. I’ve had x-rays and tried to take it easy, but it is still there. This means that I might have to walk the entire 26.2 miles. That will be fine, but I’m sure I’ll be a bit disappointed. I’m just going to do my best to finish. I’ll post on Saturday my chip number so anyone can follow my progression during the race. In addition, I’ll have my cell phone with me if anyone wants to chat…I don’t know what it’s like to walk for 7 hours, so I might get bored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the pain of the marathon might be forgotten after you've ripped hundreds of yards of duct tape off of your skin! What teachers won't do...

I don't know if God will be using your chip number to track you or not, but we'll pray for you this weekend! Everyone that I've known that has done a marathon was ultra-proud, even if they didn't finish in their goal time or whatever. It's an accomplishment from the "Things I'm Going To Do In My Lifetime" list, so Bloody Marys or no, you hold your head up high!

Go get 'em!