Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Simpler Living

One of the things that I have really enjoyed about this trip has been learning about what its like to live somewhere other than the greater LA area. I have spent my life in southern California, and though I love it, I have learned that there are drawbacks. For example, when driving 15 miles from our friends' house in Shawnee, KS to downtown Kansas City, MO it took...wait for it...15 minutes! We left at 6:00 and got there at 6:15. No way we could do that back home.

Traffic is just one example. Another thing I loved was spending the 4th in a small town. We stayed at our friends (Emily and Brian) Victorian house. The town, as well as the house, had history and a great little downtown area made up of shops and bars and restaurants. There were no carbon-copy franchises or mega-shopping centers in the downtown. Just places with history and character owned by local people. I thought it was great when we entered a little knick-knack shop and Emily hugged the owner and asked how their granddaughter is. It's just something you don't get in a larger city. To celebrate we went to Brian's childhood friend's home which overlooked a small lake. Their neighbors made put together a little 24 minute firework display over the lake complete with a c.d. of patriotic songs handed out to each house to play with the show. We drank wine, enjoyed company, and watched the homemade firework display. It was great.
I also enjoyed seeing all of the farms along the way. I realized that there are people who actually live in these places. Families who work their places day by day. We got the opportunity to go to a working farm in Kansas City area. It is called the Deanna Rose Farmstead and allow kids to come experience what life is like on the farm. They teach how to milk cows, raise chickens and goats, experience what native americans did, and even ride horses. The boys had a blast!
Another aspect of small town living that I liked was the loyalty to sports teams. Yes, a bit shallow, I know. But when we stayed in Des Moines, there was Iowa Cubs stuff everywhere. We went to a game. Now, mind you, it is a AAA team. The place was sold out and we had to get there early just to get a close enough parking spot. Also, in Indianapolis, every store, and I mean EVERY store, has Colts stuff in it. Signs, cups, shirts, jerseys, hats, and even barbecues.
Anyway, we are having a great time and are looking forward to our friends, the Vandegrifts, to get here and hang out for a few days.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Things I Don't Want to Forget

There are moments that shape you as an individual. Whether the moments are tragic or celebratory or comedic or painful, they make you who you are. Then there are the moments in between. Life is full of those moments. This road trip has not been life-altering (yet) or even unforgettable. But we, as a family, have had some great moments. Comedic moments, too. I thought I'd write down some of the events that I don't want to forget even though they can seem mundane or uneventful. They are moments that the sands of time will probably take away from my memory at one point or another, but once written in word will be less likely for me to forget.

When I rode the ski lift with Wyatt in Steamboat Springs and he said, "Dad, dis is pretty cool."

The rodeo in Steamboat Springs when Wes wanted to talk to a "real cowboy."
When the lady at the timeshare told me that the hot springs are clothing optional after dark. (Keep that in my head for a return trip!)
The awesome pizza place where we dipped our crust in honey.
The waitress at the bbq place that kept calling me "hun" and told the boys to put their peanut shells in their pockets.
Wes and Wyatt picking out cowboy hats at the store so they could be like the rodeo guys.
Going down the alpine slide with Wyatt in my lap while he said, "Wee!" the whole way down.
Seeing the baby deer just outside our room eating the grass.
The beautiful drive from Steamboat Springs to the I-70 seeing some of the most wonderful nature I've ever seen.
Having great bbq with our friends in the art district in Kansas City.
When Wes and Wyatt flirted with the girl behind the counter of the candy store.
Wes and Wyatt both being afraid to jump in the pool at the beginning of our vacation, but now are old pros at it.
Wes actually being excited when I told him about President Eisenhower and World War II when at the Eisenhower Museum.

Singing "Everythings up to date in Kansas City, they've gone bout as far as they can go" over and over with Carrie because we can't remember the rest of the words.
Walking in downtown Kansas City with Wyatt sitting on my shoulders shivering because he and Wes decided to play in the fountains and we had to walk several blocks to get to our car.
Wes and Wyatt putting their buckets on their heads at the Iowa Cubs game because they didn't have hats. (To which Carrie responded to me, "You must be so proud.")

These are just a few of the events that have been so much fun to experience. Since we haven't even made it to our final destination yet, I'm sure there will be many more moments.