After an extended absence from the blogging world, I decided to get back in the game. And what event/subject has wrestled me from my semi-retirement? BEERFEST 2008!
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uick history of Bill and beer, first...I wasn't a big drinker in high school, like some of my friends

. And when I did drink, it was usually a wine cooler or Lynchburg Lemonade or something like that. I tried beer sometimes. In fact, on my 21st birthday in Las Vegas I bought different kinds of beer (strawberry beer, Sapporo, and honey wheat). I was barely able to swallow them down. At some point, after I turned 21 I came to the realization that I can't keep ordering appletinis, purple hooters, and strawberry margaritas the rest of my life without being accused of having a vagina. So I gave myself a challenge. I said that for 3 months, whenever I went out to eat, I could only order beer or water to drink. No buttery nipples, no rootbeer shnaps, no Malibu and Coke. I wanted to be a man. And the rest, my friends, is downhill. I started to enjoy beer after the first 2 months. It was cheaper AND more filling than an Alabama Slammer. I started to love beer.
I've tried different kinds over the year. My favorites in the past have

been Corona, Amber Bach (I even named my softball team "Amber Balk"), Fosters, Blue Moon, and the great Jeremiah Red from BJ's.
Last weekend I took a trip to Japan, the Himalayas, Croatia, Belgium, Germany, San Luis Obispo, Jamaica, and other places. I tried 19 different beers at BEERFEST 2008. This was the first, in hopefully many more, annual festival of beer. The best thing about it was the fact that not one of the people who attended, including myself, drank too much. When drinking dixie cups of beer, it is hard to create a buzz. All in all, I learned a lot about my personal tastes and the tastes of some of my friends. I am not an IPA fan, as my friends Kevin and Ian are. C

roatia makes a really crappy beer. Red Stripe (it's red beer!) is a great summer beer. And my favorite was the one I brought, Blue Moon. Apparently, even though I was drinking beer, I can still be accused of being a woman when adding an orange slice to my beer. ("You can't fruit the beer, man!") Hey, I like my beer fruited, so BACK OFF!
I want to thank Kyle for hosting this historic event and for all those who participated! It was a great time and I look forward to doing it again!
welcome back to blogging!
You crack me up Bill.
Although it does bring a small tear to my eye to know I'll never be able to witness you ordering a buttery nipple.
So sad.
I got to your blog via three other blogs. I must say, this post killed me. If the Angels have a terrible season at least you can drown your sorrows in a manly beverage.
So glad you are doing well, Bill!
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