Monday, July 16, 2007

8 Random Facts about Bill

Apparently there's a new "phenomenom" in the blogging realm. It's called a "MeMe."

The Meme Rules:

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. My nickname. During my last year in little league my coach nicknamed me “Truck.” I even got a shirt with my nickname on it. I was called “Truck” for the first couple of years of high school. One of my teachers even called me it because he heard another student call me Truck. My coach nicknamed me Truck because he thought I ran like a Mac Truck…really slow at first, unable to make sharp turns, but once I get going, I can’t stop easily. Just how I run in softball now.

2. I cannot remember any parts of the songs I sang in the musicals I was in in college, but I CAN remember the one line I had in my fifth grade musical…”I, Lyndon Baines Johnson, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.” I have enjoyed watching inaugurations ever since.

3. In college, I could not grow a goatee. I tried, but failed miserably with little strands of blonde hair here and there. I thought I should try to dye my pitiful excuse for a goatee to make it more noticeable. JET BLACK was the flavor of choice. Unfortunately, I did not read the instructions on the can which asks to “test the product on your arm to make sure you are not allergic.” Sure enough, my goatee was black, but the skin under it and all around was red, swollen, and chapped. It looked as if I had a bad sunburn on my chin and upper lip.

4. I can’t sleep in cars or airplanes. I don’t know why, but I have never been able to. So, when JJ and I drove to Oregon from school I wasn’t that upset that he slept for 12 hours of the car ride in the middle of the night. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway.

5. I have 16 chest hairs. Just counted them because, hey, that’s random and I wanted to know.

6. My 12th birthday, October 12, 1986, I chose NOT to go to Magic Mountain, but to watch the Angels clinch the pennant. As it turns out, I should have gone to Magic Mountain. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the ineptitude of the Angels, they were ONE STRIKE away from going to the World Series. Donnie Moore gave up a homerun to Dave Henderson which tied the game and the Red Sox won that game and the next to go on to lose to the Mets in the World Series (thank you, Bill Buckner). That memory has stuck with me a long time, which is why I teared up (yes, I admit it), when I got to see the 2002 Angels beat the Yankees, Twins, and Giants for World Series trophy. It made that season so much sweeter!

7. I cooked dinner for Carrie and had my friend, Damian, dress up like a waiter for our first date. Poor D-dog. He had to wait in the bedroom of my apartment and read magazines, occasionally coming out to refill our glasses. I definitely owe him big time!

8. When I am stressed, I apply my hand to my forehead at my hair line. If you ever see me with the front part of my hair sticking up, be nice…I’m stressing out!

Now for those who I want to see random facts about...

Carrie - surprise me with something I don't know
Dave - you are pretty random, so it should be good
Jen - Are you more random than Dave?
Smarts - One of my favorite "random" stories is of Kyle breakdancing on the corner in Canada...I'm sure there's more tales to tell...
Lanes - Wondering if your old neighbors will be on your list.
Vandes - Almost bought a shirt for Stef with one word on it in Denver. The word was "RUCKUS."

That should fulfill my quota since the Smarts count as 6, Lanes are at 4, and Vandes are at 4+.

1 comment:

Stef said...

That is a crack up! Thanks Bill be looking for my Blog entry!