We also learned about clothing. I got to hear all about choosing the right bra because most of my team is women. Then the lady giving the clinic started talking about “bloody marys.” My interest peaked because I’ve always enjoyed a spicy, well-made bloody mary. She wasn’t talking about V8 and Grey Goose, however. Apparently, during the course of running longer miles your shirt rubs against your body. As it moves up and down it chaffs the skin. Specifically, men tend to get bleeding nipples (bloody marys in runners’ speak) during marathons. I knew about blistered feet, sore muscles, even leg rashes and swollen fingers, but bloody freakin’ nipples!?!? What have I signed up for? Not only do I have to run 26 miles, but I also have to watch out for my nipples? I know my legs will be sore, my body will be tired, my heart rate will be up, my breathing intense, but my nipples might bleed?!? Our trainer then told us not to worry, they carry a couple different things to combat bloody marys. No, not duct tape, although I’ve read that some people do that. Running stores carry “Nip Savers” and Body Glide. No kidding. Little rubber things that cover your nipples! Awesome! See, not only are you more informed, but you now have a Christmas gift idea for me! Maybe Santa will put a few Nip Savers in my stocking!

Santa is on the lookout for Nip Savers for sure! Santa hates the thought of bloody marys.
Grey goose, you go for the good stuff.
Yikes, bloody nips. Maybe if you got them pierced beforehand the rings would serve as a nipple to shirt barrior. I think it may be worth it.
This may be TMI for you but seriously with the women and bras to bloody mary lead-in my mind had already skipped to a different track. The clinic could have gone horribly awry for you at that point.
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