The cavalry arrived at 7:30 this morning. My brother-in-law, Bryan, and his wife, Kelly, came over so we could all go to Disneyland for the day. It was so much fun. We met up with cousins J.J. and Ben and Ben's son Kyle. While we went on some of the "big boy" rides, Kelly took my boys off to Pooh Bear and to feed the goats. She was great!
I have learned a lot so far flying solo. I feel bad for having such a negative outlook on the whole thing. Yes, I'm tired from being up in the middle of the night with Wyatt. Yes, my patience has been tested when Wes demands things ("how bout....we play in the dirt. How bout...we not eat dinner. How bout...no bath, Daddy!). Yes, I haven't been able to keep up with Angels games. Yes, I have to do everything 10 times slower (get the diaper bag, get Wyatt, get Wes' shoes on, get him off his chair, get out the door together, lock the door while holding Wyatt, turn car on to run a.c., buckle Wyatt in his seat, buckle Wes in his seat, go back inside to get wallet I forgot, get in car, find Music Machine c.d. so Wes doesn't have a melt down, drive to store to get pepperoni). But you know what? I have REALLY loved this! I feel closer to my boys than I ever have.
I understand more fully why mothers try to postpone weening their children from nursing as long as possible. My favorite part about this whole experience has been feeding Wyatt with a bottle. He has never taken one before, so it was new for both of us. But I just love holding him in my arms while he stares up at me lovingly. It is a great feeling to know that I am the only person who can help him in this...Carrie's gone, he can't feed himself, there's only me. I can see how studies have shown how nursing mothers bond more to their children.
Okay, enough of the touchy feely crap! Thank God I have been a negotiator for my school district the last couple of years. It has given me some skills to parent since Wes is the master negotiator. I have actually used the interest based process this weekend. "You want to go on Pooh Bear ride, I want to go on Splash Mountain...Why don't you go on Pooh Bear with Aunt Kelly and I'll go on Splash Mountain with Uncle Monkey." Or, "I am interested in getting you fed a healthy lunch, you are interested in juice and cookies, how many pieces of chicken is worth a cookie? (Thank God he has no number sense.)"
Of course, Wes said it best tonight when on the phone with Carrie. Carrie said, "I love you, buddy. Have a good sleepy." To which Wes responded not with "I love you, too," or "Night-night," but with "COME HOME!"
1 comment:
Dude, your a chick! Kyle.
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