So, we headed out on Friday morning for my mom’s house at 6:30 a.m. We woke up at 5:45 to pack up and tear down the tent. While deflating the mattress, Carrie felt something twinge in her knee while kneeling on the ground. She thought maybe her knee was acting up or something. As I was rolling up the tent I discovered an 8 inch dead mouse that was underneath our tent. When I showed Carrie, she squealed, “Gross! What’s even grosser is that I think I killed it with my knee.” So far, Lassiters 1, Wildlife 0.
We drove the excruciatingly long drive to my mom’s and arrived at 6:30 p.m. to 64 degree weather. It felt great feeling cold. While driving we’ve been listening to an audio book of Eragon. It was written by a 16 year old kid, and is, so far, fantastic.
On Sunday, we drove another 6 hours to a lodge called Crystal Wood Lodge. It is a “pet friendly” place so my mom can have her dog with her. It’s an old homestead that was converted into a lodge. It has old furniture, tons of books about dogs, a spa, overpriced mementos (bug spray for 8 bucks), 12 Alaskan Huskies who train for the Iditarod, bird watching binoculars, a fly fishing tie desk, board games including “Dog-opoly”, and canoes to rent so you can get further bit by mosquitos…you know, everything you need in a lodge! It is interestingly place on the cusp of the forest and the wetlands of southern Oregon. We saw an amazing thunderstorm the first night we were there. Of course, being near a couple lakes we got eaten alive by mosquitos. Lassiters 1, Wildlife 1.

Monday morning we headed out for Crater Lake. As I was getting into the van, a wasp bit me on the leg. Lassiters 1, Wildlife 2. For those who don’t know, Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. It’s the caldera of a volcano and is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. The water is bluer than blue. You can see the reflection of the surrounding area in the picture. Too bad Wes is squeezing out a fart in the picture! There was still some snow on the ground, so Wes got to make his first ever snowball.
We left this morning for my mom’s house, another 8 hour drive. Yeah! Upon reaching the 62 degree weather (eat your heart out Rancho people), I tallied our driving so far this vacation: 1826.4 miles driven, 31 hours, 43 minutes spent in the car, average speed of 52.9 miles per hour, 23.8 miles per gallon, and, as you can see from the photo of our license plate, over 10,000 insects killed! Lassiters 2, Wildlife 2. Keep posted, folks, the game ain’t over yet!