Maybe it takes me a long time to catch on to new and exciting things, but this blogging thing is cool. It seems you can find experts on just about every topic: religion, politics, pop culture, beer, whatever. It is a neverending journey through the thoughts of friends and strangers alike.
The world is so much closer than ever before. It is, or seems, smaller. Take my wife and her family for instance...when she was born in Ethiopia some 29 years ago, her parents couldn't call back to the states to inform them of their new addition. They had to send a telegram (and, yes, every year on Carrie's birthday her grandma calls to tell about how excited she was on that cold day in February when she got the Western Union telegram announcing the birth of her first grandchild). Now, we could have set up a web cam in the hospital so that someone could watch the birth while it was happening (please don't invite me to watch that, friends. I have already seen 2 births and that is enough!)
I guess blogging is one of the ways that the world has come closer. Fun, entertaining, informative, thought provoking, and addicting. Enjoy.
Nice comment about the births of your sons! I'm glad you've decided to begin blogging. I'll be interested to read the thoughts you deem blogworthy.
Hey Bill. You can consider yourself worthy that I am adding to your blog site. This is my first time responding to a blog. I still don't get the whole idea of blogging.
Kudos on the 73*
I do have one quetion. Who made Blogging? Corporate America? Or some kid like Napoleon Dynamite?
As you can see I am not a licenced blogger yet. Stef's picture shows up.
Jimmy V
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