Now, I did suffer a major injury last week when I ran ONLY 9 miles. Here’s the story. I showed up at my training at 7 a.m. on a brisk, New Year’s Eve-eve morning. I wore layers, just as I was told. I took my gels, just as I was told. I used Body Glide to prevent chafing and blisters in areas where I generally chafe and get blisters. I stay hydrated throughout my run. So, when I finished my run, I was surprised about the concern on the face of my coach. “Are you okay, Bill?” “A little sore, but I’m alright.” “No, are you OKAY?” “Uhh, yeah. Should I not be?” And then with her index finger she indicated the area in which she was most concerned with.
Let me back up and tell you how Santa disappointed me this year. I asked for one thing this year and one thing only…running gear. And although he did come through with non-cotton socks, an mp3 holder, non-cotton underwear, a water bottle, and a compass in case I get lost running (thanks for the faith, Santa) I didn’t get the protection I needed the most. So, yes, the following picture is the pain I felt and that crimson stain on my shirt is, in fact, my first “bloody Mary.”
Still looking for those Nip Guards! Thanks, a lot, Santa! And I have stuck up for you throughout the years! By the way, for future reference, bloody nipples and shampoo/soap do NOT mix.