I don’t know when it happened. I’m not sure if there was an exact moment or if it just occurred over time. But at some point in my life I became a cynic. I became jaded with certain life situations. My outlook on life had become negative.
I realized this a while ago, but today I really knew it.
School started yesterday. I was really looking forward to this year for many reasons. I will no longer be the vice-president of my teachers association which will free my time to concentrate more on my class. I was looking forward to giving my students more of myself this year. Then I had a conversation with a first year teacher.
I asked her how her day went. She said it was busy, but fine. And then she said, “I didn’t get to do a lot but go over the rules. I can’t wait to start making a difference.” Wait a second! Hold the presses! Make a difference? Oh, yeah! That’s why I got into teaching in the first place…to make a difference. After nine years of teaching, I had forgotten WHY I became a teacher.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I’ve done a horrible job over the past several years. But I haven’t been doing the best I can do. I haven’t been trying to make a difference in the lives of my students day after day.
My mind has been clouded with other crap over the past few years. I became a cynic. I was the first one in the lunchroom to complain about my students. I came to work to socialize. I tried to “get through the year” instead of trying to “make a difference.” I was counting the days until school ended. I was in it for the wrong reasons.
No more. I have made the decision to make this year, my best year. I have made the decision to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
I say all of this publicly because I need the support of my friends and family to do this. Hold me accountable