Saturday, June 24, 2006

Why I Love Baseball

People are passionate about a lot of different things. Some are passionate about art. Others are passionate about their job. Still, some are passionate about shoes (mostly women!). I love baseball! I've come up with the top 10 reasons why I love the game so much...

10. No better way to eat a hot dog than by doing it while watching a game.
9. My mom instilled a love of baseball in me while I was a young child (also the reason I love chili!)
8. It's difficult. "Hit a round ball with a round bat squarely."
7. The only sport where the defense controls the ball.
6. The history of the game: Ruth, DiMaggio, Aaron, Ripken.
5. The records. Numbers like 56, 755, 73*, etc.
4. Spring Training. Arizona in March, sitting in the sun, watching baseball, drinking beer, what else could be better?
3. Rooting against the Yankees! Have you ever heard the crowd chant, "YANKEES SUCK!" or "GO HOME YANKEES!" or "OVER-RATED!"? Yankee fans are jackasses. When the Angels beat the Yankees in the 2002 divisional series, it was great watching Yankee fan eat crow and leave the stadium early.
2. The Star Spangled Banner before the game begins.
1. The walk-off homerun. There is no more pressure place in sports than when your team is down by one in the ninth, two outs, man on base, 3-2 count....the drama, the pressure, the feeling of euphoria when your guy hits one over the wall.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The World Of Blogging

Maybe it takes me a long time to catch on to new and exciting things, but this blogging thing is cool. It seems you can find experts on just about every topic: religion, politics, pop culture, beer, whatever. It is a neverending journey through the thoughts of friends and strangers alike.

The world is so much closer than ever before. It is, or seems, smaller. Take my wife and her family for instance...when she was born in Ethiopia some 29 years ago, her parents couldn't call back to the states to inform them of their new addition. They had to send a telegram (and, yes, every year on Carrie's birthday her grandma calls to tell about how excited she was on that cold day in February when she got the Western Union telegram announcing the birth of her first grandchild). Now, we could have set up a web cam in the hospital so that someone could watch the birth while it was happening (please don't invite me to watch that, friends. I have already seen 2 births and that is enough!)

I guess blogging is one of the ways that the world has come closer. Fun, entertaining, informative, thought provoking, and addicting. Enjoy.